how to make navy blue paint

How to Make Navy Blue Paint

Creating your own custom paint colors can be a fun and rewarding experience. One of the most coveted shades is navy blue, known for its elegance and versatility. Whether you’re a professional artist or a DIY enthusiast, this guide will walk you through the process of making navy blue paint.

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Pigments: Ultramarine Blue, Phthalo Blue, and Raw Umber
  • Paintbrush
  • Palette Knife
  • Palette
  • Empty paint tubes or containers with lids
  • Binder medium (linseed oil or acrylic medium)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1: Prepare Your Workspace

Find a well-ventilated area with a flat surface. Cover your workspace with plastic or a drop cloth to avoid any potential spills or stains.

Step 2: Choose Your Pigments

To make navy blue paint, you will need a combination of pigments. Ultramarine Blue and Phthalo Blue are ideal choices for achieving a deep, rich blue color. Add a small amount of Raw Umber pigment, which adds warmth and depth to the mix.

Step 3: Mix the Pigments

On your palette, use the palette knife to mix equal parts of Ultramarine Blue and Phthalo Blue pigment. Blend them thoroughly until you achieve a vibrant, mid-tone blue.

Step 4: Add Raw Umber

Next, incorporate a small amount of Raw Umber pigment to the mixed blue. Begin with a conservative amount and gradually add more as needed. Raw Umber will darken the blue, contributing to the navy hue.

Step 5: Adjust the Shade

You can tweak the shade of navy blue by adding more Ultramarine Blue for a cooler tone or more Raw Umber for a warmer tone. Experiment until you reach your desired results.

Step 6: Gradually Add Binder Medium

Once you’re satisfied with the color, it’s time to add the binder medium. Linseed oil or acrylic medium helps bind the pigments together and enhances the paint’s consistency. Start by adding a small amount and gradually mix it until the desired creamy texture is achieved.

Step 7: Transfer and Store

Carefully transfer your freshly mixed navy blue paint into empty paint tubes or containers with lids. Label them appropriately for future reference.

Step 8: Clean Up

Clean your brushes and palette knife immediately after use to prevent the paint from drying and hardening.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Start with small pigment amounts and gradually increase as needed to avoid wasting materials.
  • Test the color on a separate surface to check if it matches your desired shade before making a larger batch
  • Experiment with different pigments and ratios to personalize your navy blue paint

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to create your own beautiful navy blue paint. Remember to have fun, get creative, and enjoy the process!

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